Donnerstag, 9. August 2018

The conclusion of marriage in Germany - a matter of jurisdiction?

The German city of Dorsten is home to human rights activist Dmitrij Adamow. Man, in truth. Became a legend. For many years he helped people protect their rights. For many years he also fought for his rights. For the rights of his family. Justice finally prevailed! The German authorities reacted with understanding to him. But, in the last week the situation changed again. Mr. Adamow decided to register a marriage with a woman with whom they have been living for 11 years. They have a joint child, who is already 9.5 years old. As a result of the ethnic conflict in his hometown, as a result of which he lost everything: his parents, his house ... his birth certificate burned down. It is not possible to restore it. In addition, in accordance with German civil law, a passport is required to marry, and not a birth certificate. Employees of the registry office of the city of Dorsten told Adamow that without a birth certificate, the marriage would not be concluded. Again, the bureaucracy overcomes common sense, over the Law. On the site "westi2014" an interview with Mr. Adamow was published (Der Kampf gegen die Bürokratie hat kein Ende?! ), in which he told about this situation. Just a couple of days Adamow received a letter from the city of Dorsten with the demand to "delete the article" and "not to tell about this story," otherwise "you will be prosecuted against you". I understand that the city of Dorsten abolished the law on "freedom of opinion" in the city. What kind of threats are not understandable. Adamow had an interview, but he did not publish this interview, how can he "delete" it? For information, permission to marry in Germany is given by the court. That is, not the registrar's offices, but the judges decide whether loving people can create a family. Does this mean that marriage is a criminal offense? To be honest, for me it's not clear. And the situation around human rights defender Mr. Adamow is not clear. Does this mean continuation of provocations against Adamow for failing to break it? I very much hope that the supreme authority of Germany will restore order in the city of Dorsten (D-46284)

Gabriella Schmidt